Sat in a car park in the pitch black waiting for Chris and Dad Webb to reach 87 miles. There are about 3 runners 10 mins ahead but we havent seen anyone else for a couple of hours. I must admit that it isnt the safest job and we are all looking forward to the sunrise! Chris was very tired at mile 80 and said he could have fallen asleep on his feet. Im sure it wasnt helped by Matthews expenses conversation! And turns out Matthex didnt find it that interesting either- he is crashed out in the back of the car! Just about to put the kettlf on. . .
Tor des Geants (340km, 24,000m+/-)
My approach to the TOR was a blend of ignorance and denial which in
hindsight was a great combination. I knew enough about the race to be
excited about ta...
6 years ago
It's a beautiful morning here in Manchester at 7am...are you still running Chris?? Hope so...keep going! Maybe the worst is over and you've hit the stage where you think running is the new walking. We're rooting for you all the way. Hope Pete, Matthew and Clare are OK and that Sue and Anne were safe through the night! Looking forward to the latest news...the end is in sight.....All love, Martin and Kate xx